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US News

U.S. Spotlight: Hurricane Helene help; Mass timber success story; Las Vegas mass shooting memorial

DCN-JOC News Services
U.S. Spotlight: Hurricane Helene help; Mass timber success story; Las Vegas mass shooting memorial

This week the U.S. Spotlight by É«ÖÐɫ’s Daily Commercial News features a story on how the construction industry has stepped up to help those in need following Hurricane Helene; the New York City Mass Timber Studio is being termed a resounding success; a transmission line linking Iowa and Wisconsin is complete; a memorial to the mass shooting victims in Las Vegas should be finished by the 10th anniversary; the U.S. economy continues to grow at a solid rate; and Jimmy Carter’s 100th is celebrated with 30 new homes.


Construction industry leaps into help U.S. states hardest hit by Hurricane Helene

New York City Mass Timber Studio a resounding success, state participants

Utilities complete transmission line linking Iowa and Wisconsin

Las Vegas memorial to mass shooting victims should be complete by 10th anniversary

U.S. economy grew at a solid 3% rate last quarter, government says in final estimate

A concert and 30 new homes mark Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday and long legacy of giving


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