Associations Archives - Canada's construction news Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:16:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Associations Archives - 32 32 How CLAC opened the door for 1,717 new first-year apprentices /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/how-clac-opened-the-door-for-1717-new-first-year-apprentices /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/how-clac-opened-the-door-for-1717-new-first-year-apprentices#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2024 08:08:39 +0000 /?p=368770 When the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) ended its two-year, first-year apprentice support drive that brought 1,717 new registered apprentices into the Canadian manufacturing and construction sectors, that success was solidly rooted on a winning recruiting strategy. CLAC’s strategy relied upon thinking larger than just the organization, removing hiring roadblocks for both new entrants […]

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VRCA reflects on success of Indigenous reconciliation webinar series /joc/news/associations/2024/06/vrca-reflects-on-success-of-indigenous-reconciliation-webinar-series /joc/news/associations/2024/06/vrca-reflects-on-success-of-indigenous-reconciliation-webinar-series#respond Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:05:43 +0000 /?p=368637 The Vancouver Regional Construction Association’s (VRCA) recent webinar series on Indigenous reconciliation is being termed by its organizers as both an important first step and a possible way to move forward. VRCA president Jeannine Martin reflected on the positive outcomes of the Bridging Perspectives webinar series which spanned five sessions and covered numerous topics aimed […]

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City of Edmonton wins three Transportation Association of Canada awards /joc/news/associations/2024/06/city-of-edmonton-wins-three-transportation-association-of-canada-awards /joc/news/associations/2024/06/city-of-edmonton-wins-three-transportation-association-of-canada-awards#respond Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:10:43 +0000 /?p=368504 EDMONTON — The City of Edmonton has won three awards from the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) for its work on safe streets and climate-resilient communities. Edmonton received the 2024 TAC Road Safety Achievement Award for its speed limit reduction initiative that reduced the default speed in Edmonton from 50 km/h to 40 km/h in […]

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Creating a ‘better world for all’: 2024 Governor General’s Medals in Architecture announced /dcn/news/projects/2024/06/creating-a-better-world-for-all-2024-governor-generals-medals-in-architecture-announced /dcn/news/projects/2024/06/creating-a-better-world-for-all-2024-governor-generals-medals-in-architecture-announced#respond Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:00:35 +0000 /?p=368485 OTTAWA – The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the Canada Council for the Arts have announced the recipients of the 2024 Governor General’s Medals in Architecture. The biennial awards recognize and celebrate outstanding design in recently completed built projects of any size, type and geographical location by Canadian architects, an RAIC release said. […]

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Passive House Canada 2024 Annual Conference revels in growing self-confidence /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/passive-house-canada-2024-annual-conference-revels-in-growing-self-confidence /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/passive-house-canada-2024-annual-conference-revels-in-growing-self-confidence#respond Mon, 24 Jun 2024 08:51:59 +0000 /?p=368384 “Nothing happens until it all happens at once. And I’m waiting for it to all happen at once. I know we’re on the cusp of it.” This high level of enthusiasm was expressed by Passive House Canada (PHC) CEO Chris Ballard during his opening address at last week’s 6th Annual Passive House Canada Conference at […]

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BCCA issues warning about lack of ‘Contract A’ in public sector procurement /joc/news/government/2024/06/bcca-issues-warning-about-lack-of-contract-a-in-public-sector-procurement /joc/news/government/2024/06/bcca-issues-warning-about-lack-of-contract-a-in-public-sector-procurement#respond Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:55:49 +0000 /?p=368201 Construction stakeholders are sounding the alarm as some public procurement eschews what they see as a key part of a fair contract. The British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) issued an “industry alert” about an increasing tendency in some contracts to remove the “Contract A” section which establishes the existence of a bidding contract between an […]

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2024 Building Diversity Awards celebrate trailblazers helping to build a sustainable future /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/2024-building-diversity-awards-celebrate-trailblazers-helping-to-build-a-sustainable-future /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/2024-building-diversity-awards-celebrate-trailblazers-helping-to-build-a-sustainable-future#respond Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:15:56 +0000 /?p=368176 TORONTO — The fourth annual Canadian Building Diversity Awards were recently handed out to deserving individuals and organizations. The Building Diversity Awards Gala was held June 14 at the Meridian Arts Centre in Toronto. This year’s theme was Building a Sustainable Future, honouring the visionaries and trailblazers fostering a more inclusive future in the construction […]

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Lupien honoured for lifetime achievement by CAGBC /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/lupien-honoured-for-lifetime-achievement-by-cagbc /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/lupien-honoured-for-lifetime-achievement-by-cagbc#respond Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:05:00 +0000 /?p=367896 TORONTO — A green building “visionary” from Quebec was a big winner as the Canada Green Building Council unveiled the 2024 winners of its CAGBC Awards, honouring innovative projects, teams and individuals making positive contributions to Canada’s green building sector. The Quebecer was Josee Lupien, president and founder of Vertima, who was announced as the recipient of […]

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CAGBC delegates say green supply chain has its growing pains /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/cagbc-delegates-say-green-supply-chain-has-its-growing-pains /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/cagbc-delegates-say-green-supply-chain-has-its-growing-pains#respond Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:11:22 +0000 /?p=367842 There was a unique airing of grievances in Toronto recently. Delegates attending a Canada Green Building Council seminar on supply chain challenges in the green building sector recently were given the floor to air their frustrations with barriers they encounter, resulting in a respectful public venting session. For seminar host Chris Henderson, president of Lumos […]

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BILD asks municipalities to exercise restraint on charges for new homes /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/bild-asks-municipalities-to-exercise-restraint-on-charges-for-new-homes /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/bild-asks-municipalities-to-exercise-restraint-on-charges-for-new-homes#respond Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:15:34 +0000 /?p=367551 TORONTO — The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) is urging Greater Toronto Area (GTA) municipalities to not raise development charges (DCs) on new homes in the midst of a housing crisis, following the passage of Bill 185, the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024. Development charges are fees added to […]

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Facette addresses workforce issues during Hill address /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/facette-addresses-workforce-issues-during-hill-address /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/facette-addresses-workforce-issues-during-hill-address#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:05:54 +0000 /?p=367400 OTTAWA — Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA) executive director Jim Facette addressed workforce shortages during a recent appearance in front of a House of Commons Standing Committee examining federal housing expenditures. Facette was invited to speak to committee members on the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with […]

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Communications contractors talk opportunities, challenges at ECAO symposium /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/communications-contractors-talk-opportunities-challenges-at-ecao-symposium /dcn/news/associations/2024/06/communications-contractors-talk-opportunities-challenges-at-ecao-symposium#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2024 08:05:58 +0000 /?p=367460 There has been significant growth and change in the low voltage electrical industry in the past few years and it has left some contractors facing challenges. A panel of experts talked about the Ontario Market Now at the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario (ECAO) Low Voltage and Systems Integration Symposium held recently in Mississauga, Ont. […]

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