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Manitoba Federation of Labour re-elects Kevin Rebeck

Manitoba Federation of Labour re-elects Kevin Rebeck

WINNIPEG – Delegates at the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) convention have re-elected Kevin Rebeck as president for a sixth term.

UFCW 832 president Jeff Traeger was also re-elected as MFL treasurer.

“I am honoured to be chosen by members of the MFL to keep fighting for stronger public services, good, family-supporting jobs and a safer, fairer Manitoba on behalf of working families in our province. Together we have been able to make real gains for working people, including pushing for the new provincial government to introduce Manitoba’s first ever ban on replacement workers,” Rebeck said in a statement.  

Convention delegates also passed resolutions calling for the provincial government to ensure gig workers are “treated the same as any other type of worker under the law, to raise Manitoba’s minimum wage to a living wage level and to fix the staffing crisis in public services like health care,” the MFL release said.

In Rebeck’s time as president the MFL’s membership has grown by 34,000 people.


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