Comments on: Federal and B.C. governments shore up Richmond flood protection /joc/news/government/2024/05/federal-and-b-c-governments-shore-up-richmond-flood-protection Canada's construction news Wed, 29 May 2024 02:18:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandy /joc/news/government/2024/05/federal-and-b-c-governments-shore-up-richmond-flood-protection#comment-83508 Wed, 29 May 2024 02:18:56 +0000 /?p=364964#comment-83508 The mayor has advocated for a dredging maintenance program to be funded or aided by our Federal government. This helps with flood protection and restores our rivers to their respective depths. Many homes and businesses are being severely compromised with sediment buildup. Will any of the $13 million be put towards such a maintenance program?
