Comments on: World Trade Center 7 building did not collapse due to fire: Report /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report Canada's construction news Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:17:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Steffen /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9559 Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:17:26 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9559 Thanks for this knowledge

By: Jan Fabricius /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9503 Sun, 14 Jun 2020 08:27:46 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9503 Thank you for good reporting! Very much appreciated.

By: Chris M. /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9463 Fri, 12 Jun 2020 02:07:14 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9463 As an architect I am following this matter for the last 19 years.
This information has been out there all the time. I am happy to see that despite all the time the process of finding the truth is still progressing.
Same will happen to the COVID 19 happenings, which are disputed by scientists and medical practitioners all over the world.

By: Morgan D. Nowlen /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9399 Tue, 02 Jun 2020 19:36:06 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9399 I really enjoyed your article. Many assert that if 9/11 conspiracies had merit, it would have come out already and thus would be delivered by the press. This creates a paradox in which no one will listen to you if no one will listen to you. Well thank you Mr. Harvey for listening. With objective, honest & unbiased reporting like yours, the truth will come out.

By: J. Stapleton /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9382 Sun, 31 May 2020 17:37:58 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9382 The AE 9/11 Truth organization serves only one mission. Make money for Richard Gage. This report is to energize the base, and get donations flowing, nothing more.

By: Bill Boggia /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9343 Tue, 26 May 2020 19:31:03 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9343 An excellent article – thank you. The UAF report makes intersting reading and follows thorough investigation of mutliple failure scenario possibilities to find those that fit the best. Importantly their dynamic analysis of the controlled demolition scenario produces a visual collapse that perfectly matches that seen in the video evidence from that fateful day – something the NIST investigation completely failed to do. Given the complexity involved in demolishing an asymmetric building on its own footprint at free fall velocity – one can’t help but think – such a scenario would have required considerable forward planning.

By: Nick van Nes /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9336 Mon, 25 May 2020 18:42:13 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9336 This is awesome news but the Sheople are still in passive mode, waiting to be told what to think or how to respond to a yet complicit mainstream media determined to keep them in the dark and under established, corporate control. Nothing like an inconvenient (9/11) truth to set the world in a better, more democratic direction. We need more qualified engineers and academia to step up and do the right thing, to publicly refute the new, unchallenged, un-talked-about “WTC physics” which ignores our fundamental laws of motion. They shame all of us. It should come with their jobs and commitment to science. But they are, alas, meek and afraid; to stand up to whom? So called “journalists?” Thank you, ae911truth for all you have done and keep doing. The truth is not nearly so fragile as they would like us to believe. The truth will stand up to any and all questioning.

By: David Slesinger /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9318 Sat, 23 May 2020 17:11:19 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9318 Why am I not surprised such fair coverage came from a Canadian institution rather than one from the US, with its misguided penchant to support Amnerican exceptionalism. Here is my attempt to encourage all people to look more deeply into this event

By: Richard Anderson /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9314 Sat, 23 May 2020 12:16:45 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9314 The only respectable news website on the internet who has reported on this. If there’s nothing to hide, then why doesn’t the mainstream media report on this report and spark a discussion so we can get to the bottom of this issue? The implications of this report being true reverberate throughout the world, because some guy in a cave isn’t going to blow out the staircase in WTC7 before both towers had collapsed. The ownership and those in charge of security at the WTC complex are the prime suspects.

By: Kevin Barrett /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9313 Sat, 23 May 2020 03:57:29 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9313 Thank you for doing your jobs as journalists. If America’s leading journalists had done their jobs after 9/11, 27 million people would not have been murdered based on a big lie.

By: Nadine St-Laurent /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9311 Sat, 23 May 2020 02:21:47 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9311 Thank you for this article. An independent professional investigation on what happened during 9/11 and how all three buildings collapsed is necessary.

By: Colin Doran /dcn/news/others/2020/05/world-trade-center-7-building-did-not-collapse-due-to-fire-report#comment-9309 Fri, 22 May 2020 22:24:25 +0000 /?p=217857#comment-9309 @John Kelsey
If I was one of your students I’d ask you how there could be controlled demolition of a building without the sounds of the simultaneous cutting of dozens of steel columns. Then after the building collapsed, where was the evidence of all the steel having been cut. Cutting steel columns leaves the ends of columns cut and it would be obvious to any one of the hundreds of people on the site afterwards. I asked AE911T did they have any evidence of cut steel and they said they didn’t.
